What To Expect

Our initial contact will be over email. Since I'm a solo practitioner, that's the quickest and most efficient way to reach me. Once we've determined that I have an opening at a time that works for you, and that I'm a good fit for the issues you want to address, I'll send you a link to my secure online portal. There you can complete and sign all the intake paperwork, view my practice policies, and enter your insurance information (if applicable). Currently, all of my sessions are being conducted via a secure telehealth platform. Prior to each session, you'll receive an email and/or text reminder with the link to join the video session.

What happens at my first appointment?

The intake appointment is longer than a regular session, approximately 90 minutes, because I'll be asking questions to learn about your/your child's history as well as the issues that you want to address in therapy. Regular sessions are 45-55 minutes. At the present time, all sessions are being conducted online via a secure, HIPAA-compliant Telehealth platform. I will let you know when we will be able to meet in person.

What is therapy like?

My goal is to provide a safe, supportive, and nonjudgmental space for you to talk about the issues that you can't figure out on your own. My approach to therapy is open and guided by what you want to address in that moment. As a psychologist, I don't give advice, but rather I ask questions and look for connections to help you better understand your struggles and make choices about how to deal with them. You won't be judged for your behaviors, choices, or feelings. It's a partnership and collaboration between us.

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